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HYDRATE with Tracy Duhs

May 27, 2021

Don’t we all want to feel limitless? How much would you pay to be guaranteed that you can achieve all of your dreams and desires? Are you aware that hydration plays an enormous role in your energy levels?
In this episode of HYDRATE, I chat about the substance that we all have that can allow us to become limitless,...

May 21, 2021

Did you do anything that served you beyond a materialistic way today? When was the last time that you spent time in nature, to simply reconnect with the earth? Do you feel capable of surrendering to your consciousness? 
In this episode of Hydrate, Jay Campbell and I chat about raising our vibrational frequency to a...

May 14, 2021

Why do we experience pain? What role does inflammation play in the pain we experience? Did you know that your skin absorbs everything you apply to it?

In this episode of HYDRATE, David Perez and I discuss the ways that we experience pain and how that experience should be different. No matter the age that we are, we all...

May 7, 2021

When was the last time that you actually felt seen? That you felt that someone looked into your eyes and intentionally looked to build a connection with you?
In this episode of HYDRATE, I chat with you about the behaviors I have observed as quite common in our interactions with other human beings in today’s era...