Oct 21, 2021
How do we deal with pain and anxiety when traditional medications fail?
In this episode of HYDRATE, world-ranked boxer Mike Lee opens up about his battle with an autoimmune disease and mental health issues while hanging on to his athletic success. Here are some of the vital questions he wrestled with along the way:
Oct 14, 2021
Can your trauma be a testimony? Is it possible to forgive your parents who made your childhood miserable?
In this episode of HYDRATE, Drew Canole opens up about his traumatic childhood, spiritual healing, and journey to forgiveness. After dealing with an abusive father, denied college loans, street hustling,...
Oct 7, 2021
Do you know the information your water is storing? Do you know how exposed your water is to EMFs? And do you have any idea what this can do to your health?
In this episode of HYDRATE, my guest, Anton Fedorenko, gives you the drip. We discuss the electro magnetics fields your water is being exposed to and storing,...
Oct 1, 2021
What makes spring water different from filtered tap water? Where can we access good water that nourishes us from within?
“Good water is the best and most underestimated remedy in medicine.” - Dr. Kirsten
In this episode of HYDRATE, I chat with Dr. Kirsten Deutschlander about the health miracles of artesian spring...