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HYDRATE with Tracy Duhs

Dec 30, 2022

Our society, especially in the United States, really idolizes the teens and the twenties. And it’s like “Once you hit 30, you’re past your prime!” I mean, we need more conversations and inspiration around aging WELL. Natalie reminds us that age only needs to be a chronological number.  But biologically, we get a...

Dec 25, 2022

Today's show is a really unique show in many ways.

My guest Robert Grant, and I go into levels of water that have never been spoken about before in this podcast and maybe nowhere else. And it's a really fun conversation and you're going to see, hopefully the world from a new perspective and get some more insight from...

Dec 16, 2022

Today's episode is a treat.

I got to interview Steve Martinez. Steve is one of the world's experts in peptides. Everyone's raving about peptides right now.
Any time I bring up the word peptides, people's ears perk up. Why? Because peptides are naturally occurring in our body. Our body makes peptides and there's a...

Dec 5, 2022

There's a reason why our bodies crave and desire to disconnect. A big part of that is these devices that we have that are supposed to connect us are actually disconnecting the communication in our body with our cells.

Our cells are becoming less able to communicate with each other because there's dissonance in our body....

Nov 10, 2022

Here I am at the water conference in Bad Soden, Germany meeting researchers that are opening up new conversations about hydration, water, and invisible source that connects us all.

Having a background in evolutionary biology and behavioral ecology, Daniel focused his PhD research on host parasite systems because had a...