Oct 14, 2021
Can your trauma be a testimony? Is it possible to forgive your parents who made your childhood miserable?
In this episode of HYDRATE, Drew Canole opens up about his traumatic childhood, spiritual healing, and journey to forgiveness. After dealing with an abusive father, denied college loans, street hustling, door-to-door selling, several bankruptcies, Drew was able to grow a multi-million company that reshapes the world. But to him, success is more than numbers; it’s forgiveness, love, service, relationship, and undying spirituality.
How does a man who has everything lead with a heart? How can traumas and abuse be your driving force to succeed?
Listen closely and get inspired as we also touch on dating and relationships, walking in faith, and important business/life/health lessons!
Drew Canole is an author, nutrition specialist, juice expert, and a man of faith. He's the founder of Fitlife.tv where he shares educational, inspirational, and entertaining videos and articles about health, fitness, healing, and longevity. He also co-founded Organifi, a superfoods company that’s changing millions of lives worldwide.
What we discuss:
8:11 – Drew’s traumatic childhood and his journey to faith
13:05 – Meeting God at rock bottom and accepting gifts you'd never receive from a place of comfort
19:17 – Boyhood vs Manhood: What should you look for in a partner?
25:30 – Why stop polarizing the masculine and feminine energy
32:52 – The stupid things we do to prove we're worthy of love
35:44 – The “Fisherman’s wound” and the void that men try to fill with money, sex, and porn
39:50 – What makes a marriage or relationship flourish?
45:02 – What it’s like to forgive a parent who made your childhood miserable
47:41 – Finding life-long mentors and turning anger and rage into motivation
51:30 – Drew’s journey from a broke college student to an empire builder
55:09 – From 0 to 7 Million subscribers to 0 traffic again: Why chasing money leads you nowhere
57:31 – How Drew sold 3,000 Organifi green juice in 72 hours
1:03:11 – Why success isn’t about nice things but about service
1:12:31 – The miraculous health benefits of drinking green juice and red juice
Learn more from Drew’s website: https://drewcanole.com/
Or connect with him on Instagram: @drewcanole
Mentioned Resources:
Get 20% off with code HYDRATE on your first order at www.organifi.com/hydrate
Get 50% off + 1 free product with code T50 on your first order at www.kannacoCBD.com
Get 10% off with code HYDRATE10 on an IC Pad at infopathy.com
He: Understanding Masculine Psychology by Robert Johnson - https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Masculine-Psychology-Robert-Johnson/dp/0060963964
She: Understanding Feminine Psychology by Robert Johnson - https://www.amazon.com/She-Understanding-Psychology-Robert-Johnson/dp/0060963972