Dec 31, 2020
The ph level or the food we eat and the water we drink is
irrelevant to human physiology. It
simply doesn’t matter. There is hardly any alkaline water found in
nature. So if drinking alkaline water is SO important, how has
mankind survived for as long as it without access to
If you think about it, most of our water comes from rainwater,
which is acidic. And if it wasn’t acidic, it wouldn’t be able to
absorb and dissolve minerals. And the minerals in your water is the
most important thing about the water you drink…NOT the
PH is only a measurement. If a food or liquid has a high or low PH
level, that doesn’t directly correlate to the PH level of your
body. This is a major misconception!
It’s all about the minerals. The minerals a food or liquid contains
determine whether or not your body becomes alkaline or acidic. So
it doesn’t matter if our food or water is acidic or alkaline, what
matters is if it alkalizes or acidifies our body when metabolized.
That’s the key!
So in this episode of Hydrate, I chat with Robert Slovak on the PH
levels of water, why alkaline water isn’t what it’s all cracked up
to be, and the actual way to ensure your body is
Robert is an International water scientist and regarded as one of
the world’s foremost water experts. He has devoted himself to the
science of water after life-altering experiences. He took his
astronautical and mechanical engineering degrees and decided to
pursue the research of reverse osmosis with his brother Jack. The
dynamic duo were considered the early developers of Reverse Osmosis
What we discuss:
4:30 - Should you be drinking Alkaline water?
7:00 - Why the PH of water doesn’t matter
12:00 - Why drinking or eating something acidic doesn’t make your
body acidic
16:00 - Why water becomes acidified
17:30 - What water is actually alkalizing?
18:30 - You’re at the store, what water should you
23:00 - Where should we get our minerals and trace
27:00 - Why we need minerals in the right proportion
33:00 - How do we get the right PH in our bodies?
35:00 - What about hydrogen?
40:00 - The most important things you need to know about
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